Thursday, April 23, 2015

How To Teach A Child About Money + Kindness

What do you do with the money? We either save, spend or share! Admitedly, I end up spending almost all that I earn while my husband is way better with saving. I'm learning from him. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "My husband is my yin to my yang." :)

So, going back to the topic- Let's face it. Money is a valuable tool in the current world we live in because it is the currency agreed upon by the general population to do commerce. Having money keeps a roof over our heads, feeds us and just makes it possible to exist these days. Think of money in terms of energy. It is the output of the work we do, an energy exchange. The concept is still a bit challenging to understand for a child, I can imagine! Especially when faced with sad realities beyond the safe bubble we keep around them.

I can't help but think of what my son Santi said weeks ago about currency. After being exposed to poverty stricken Manila during car rides. He had some thoughts expressed on the matter.

Santi: "Mom, why did they invent money? Can't food be free?"

His question struck deep. There was an emotion there felt for the street kids. (Yay, I'm raising a child with emotional quotient!) Another realization that our world kinda sucks. We've reached a point where greed overcomes compassion. Poverty is an obvious result of the imbalance of funds. WHY do we need to use money when food SHOULD be free? Doesn't food come from plants and trees which are on everyone's land ? Isn't it that simple?

I don't remember my answer to my son. Maybe I nodded in agreement and said a thing or two about planting trees to be sustainable.

Perhaps we only see part of the picture, looking at the grand scheme of things, suffering exists as a game balancer. By being exposed to hunger, then we learn how to appreciate food. Injustice brings out compassionate beings willing to fight for goodness. Without darkness, light wouldn't exist. Now, how do I teach him this?

Just recently, Janice of Mommy Mundo invited a group of mothers to a presentation by ChildHope Asia Philippines, a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization who work to ensure the welfare of Filipino street children. Chips Guevara, one of the board members spoke about his personal stories of working with the street children, how it impacts even his own children when they learn how to share.

They have a Kindness Campaign for 2015 with a very cute menu to choose from

Perfect, I thought. This is something very tangible for my 8 year old to understand.

Then we were all given Save, Spend and Share cans so that we can start this project at home with our children. After 30 days, ChildHope will be collecting the SHARE can to be used for feeding and teaching the street children basic literacy which is their main goal.

Do you recall the heart-warming story of the child from the slums becoming a scholar in Germany? He was one of the street kids of ChildHope Asia Philippines, a personal student of Chips! Tears swelled from my eyes upon remembering that story.

If you want to teach your children about money too using this project, or join other programs under their Kindness Campaign, please get in touch with ChildHope Asia Philippines

Address: 1210 Penafrancia Ext. Paco, Manila
Tel No. (02) 5617118

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