Friday, December 19, 2008
A Healing Peppermint Christmas

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Brown Belly Fisherman Pants

My good friend and fellow yummy mummy Noelle sells her fab Brown Belly pants in our INDIGObaby multiply site! I own an indigo pair myself and they are super! :D
Looking for free size pants that you could use when prego and even after pregnancy?
INDIGObaby carries Brownbelly's fisherman pants that are so fab to wear anytime of the year (when fat or fit!)
All pants P650 each.
Choose from these colors- aqua, indigo, black, khaki, brown and yellow.
To order click:
Monday, April 21, 2008
Nutritious Camote Juice
Today I semi-walked to the market to do the grocery to buy some veggies. (I say semi-walk because mid-way I decided to ride the tricycle because it was HOT :P Poor Sanch sweaty and all!) Anyway, I was able to get Camote tops which is the key ingredient in the healthy Camote juice. It costs only P5 per sheaf!
So, here is the recipe if you want to try this at home--
Camote tops
Brown sugar or honey would be a healthier alternative
Boil camote tops then add the calamansi juice and sweeten with the brown sugar or honey. Add ice for a col, refreshing drink. EASY!
Oh and here is an excerpt on how nutritious this drink is!
Sweet Potato Contains Anti-aging Nutrients
Sweet potato is a health vegetable rich in antioxidants and other nutrients useful in maintaining a healthy body.
A new study conducted by the Rural Development Administration (RDA) of South Korea shows that sweet potato contains antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic.
Antioxidants, known as the modern-day anti-aging nutrients, are phytochemicals or substances (mostly present in fruits and vegetables), which neutralize or counterbalance the free radicals that are generated by the body during normal metabolism.
Free radicals are the most vicious and toxic by-products of metabolism. When not neutralized, they can travel through the body cells, disrupting the structures of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and cause cell damages.
These damages are believed to contribute to aging and degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cataract, and the like.
Sweet potato antioxidants are higher in the leaves than in the tops, but higher in the tops than in the roots and petioles.
Also, all parts of sweet potato, especially the leaves and tops, contain protein, lipids, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin A and C.
These nutrients are favorably comparable with those of other vegetable nutrients when they are boiled or used in their dry form than when they are consumed raw.
PFN No. 6482 July-September 2004
Source: FFTC leaflet for agriculture. No. 2001-34. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC), 14 Wen Chow St., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Cooperating agency for this topic: Rural Development Administration (RDA), Suwon, South Korea.
Sorry for the pun but...Go home and plant camote!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Ladies & Babies Tea Party Bazaar
Other interesting loot:
We also met genius teen-baker David Espina (from the family of the original Julie's Bakeshop) who had just graduated from high school. He told us that he has been baking since he was in 1st grade!
Food, food, glorious food:
More photos from this bazaar here.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Pining For Palawan
1. Santi turns 1 on May 9 and...
2. Our Palawan Escape as his 1st birthday celebration!
Triple hurray! I know that we have been planning of throwing our son a birthday bash but come on... he really is too young to appreciate the gifts (those crappy ones) and the presence of relatives and friends (most of whom are unimportant to his young life). -This pretty much was my brainwash-spiel to M and it worked ;)
I have been to Palawan once with Montri during our life pre-Santi (has it really been 3 years?!) and I enjoyed the quiet seclusion of Club Paradise in Dimakya Island at the Northern part of Palawan. This trip was M's Christmas present to me that year. :)

May 8-14 is our scheduled trip. We booked via Cebu Pacific and tickets were charged to my credit card. Ooh the power of that plastic card!
We plan to discover the main city Puerto Princesa and the remote Port Barton with our not-so-baby in tow. I do not want to divulge our itinerary until we have booked the places because I am paranoid that a lot of traveling googlers might just book before we do! :P
M and I are pining for the trip already. Boy, do we NEED that vacation! We haven't traveled in so long because all energy (and funds) were focused on Santi. Now that he's older, we gotta celebrate for the year that has been LIFE CHANGING!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Playdate: The Modern Mums G
Video taken last Feb. 22, 2008.
Santi eats a cracker and naughty Benny steals some from his mouth! I love these boys so much! It's such a delight to watch them feed themselves. They'll probably grow up loving food so much like their mums & dads. I mean, just look at them below salivating for some ice cream (photo taken months ago).

Oh, how things change.