Sunday, April 22, 2007

Books for Baby

My college philosophy professor (who happens to be only a year older than me) just gave birth last month to a sweet little baby girl named Sophia. She was thoughtful enough to pass on to me two very useful books for my upcoming bundle of joy.

Baby-Gami is ADORABLE! Just looking at the photos of babies bundled up in various things such as cloth, towel, ribbons, and yes even a map! If you want to melt the heart of mother-to-be's --- this is a must-gift! I didn't even know that there was more than 1 way to wrap the little ones....
Origami meets the age-old art of swaddling. Easy to follow instructions, illustrated step-by-step diagrams and tips on baby-carrying.

And then there's The Baby Whisperer which swears by the simple rule of E.A.S.Y which means Eat. Activity. Sleep and You when handling a newborn. Other programs include:
The Know-Your-Baby quiz: is she an Angel, Textbook, Touchy, Spirited, or Grumpy? The WPQ: Wing it/Plan it Quotient. Once parents compare their baby's type with their own, they can make baby's life more predictable.
I sure do hope these last-minute reads help me especially during the wee hours of the night when everyone's asleep; when my little Santi decides on being naughty! :P

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Beautiful Birth

As my D-day comes closer each day, I am glued to my laptop and internet; reading and researching as much as I can on labor and delivery. I play different scenarios in my head on how it will be for me when 'it is time'. Will my water break? Or will my mucus plug will fall into the toilet while I pee in the wee hours of the night? How will I be able to handle those contractions? (which up to now I haven't really felt)

Going through some videos in youtube, I stumbled upon a beautiful birth video which I want to share with you all. This is a short clip of an advocacy promoting natural birth --- going back to our roots and welcoming our babies into a world of love.

Even if I wanted for my birth to be this way -- I know no doctor would allow it.. not here in the Philippines. I even showed this video to my sister (who is currently interning as a nurse in a local hospital where she witnesses births almost everyday) for her comments. She agrees that this natural type of birth is so much more peaceful and prefers to give birth this way if only people here knew how to. My friend even tried to interview a midwife to do a home-based waterbirth but eventually gave birth in a hospital the 'standard medical way' since no one was supportive of her views. They all fear the unknown.

Oh midwives and doulas, come hither and educate!

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Brazilian Ouch

I am no fan of pain. However, the thought of some medical stranger shaving me down there prior to delivering my baby in a few weeks pushed me to do my first official brazilian wax. (My previous one was only partial)

I did expect the sensation of pain but I did not know the magnitude that a famous brazilian would bring. Believe me, it was pure T-O-R-T-U-R-E! It must've been because my skin is extra sensitive now that I am pregnant ( in my last trimester) ?!

Well...there goes my first..and last brazilian EVER.


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