Monday, July 06, 2015

Healthy Eats: Vegiezzen

I feel like I have been living under a rock. Why haven't I eaten here before? 

One nanny-less day, I drove myself here to try out their food for take home. Background story: on weekends, we let our helpers at home rest and we usually order or eat out. Due to very limited healthy restaurants and me turning (almost) vegetarian, I have gone searching high and low for more choices suitable to my lighter diet around the city.

On that fateful day, I struck gold! Affordable healthy eats so close to home. Wee!

I've decided to become a loyal customer ever since.

The restaurant is located across Ocean Sky Monastery in Little Baguio, San Juan.

You can find many vegan food products on this shelf and fridge. For unskilled cooks like myself, these products can help make food tastier at home!

Here is their menu...

Scary looking gigantic jars contain their hard-to-get enzyme drink and other vegetables which they use in their dishes. I have asked if the ezyme drink was available twice already but, sadly, I haven't had the chance to try it yet.

Since food orders are quite affordable, I'm happy to sample 3 variants at a time, yay! :) I love their veggiezen fried rice and beancurd roll. My kids are happy to eat these, too!

713 Jose Abad Santos St. Little Baguio, 
San Juan, Metro Manila

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